Dr Nir Samuel (AUSiMED Fellow) with Prof Mark Fitzgerald and Dr Danny Ben-Eli (Trauma Service, Alfred Health, and NTRI)
Two Israeli paediatricians, Dr Nir Samuel and Dr Clair Habib, began their AUSiMED Fellowships in 2022.
Nir is training Paediatric Trauma Care at the Alfred Hospital Trauma Services and the Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH) in Melbourne. Upon returning to Israel in early 2023, Nir is expecting to take on the Trauma Lead of Paediatric Emergency Department.

Clair is receiving research and clinical training in neuro-genetics at the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute and RCH. Upon returning to Israel in September 2023, Clair is expecting to take on a senior role as a paediatric neuro-geneticist at Rambam Health Care Campus.
Both Fellowships were made possible by the generous support of the Lowy Foundation.